Banana Protein Ice Cream

Hi Guys!


I have a confession to make. I might seem like one of those “I-always-eat-clean-and-never-cheat” fitness girls. I like to present my self like that but the truth is… I’m not. There is one thing I can (and will) NOT live without. My guilty pleasure. ICE CREAM! Ohh, how I love that delicious, creamy gift from God. And the variation of flavors: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, raspberry, pistachio, coconut, brownie, cookie dough, peanut butter… (I could keep going forever!)
I have ALWAYS loved and will ALWAYS love ice cream. Back when I was little my father and I used to celebrate every single Friday with a nice portion of good quality ice cream. We still do – not every Friday though. Now it is mostly when we have to watch something important in the TV. (By important I mean Champions League matches).
So yeah, now you know. This does not change that I am 100% dedicated to the healthy lifestyle. I love how clean foods make my feel and I’m convinced that this will never change. A few days ago a reader asked me if I was ever afraid of “falling off the wagon.” The answer is “no, I’m not.” In fact, I have gotten pretty obsessed about finding better alternatives to all the unhealthy junk I like. And yes – I have actually found a way to eat ice cream without cheating on my diet. The recipe is very easy and you only need two ingredients!

–       1 banana
–       20 g chocolate protein powder (I used Bodylab)
–       Toppings: I used blueberries and a few grapes

How to: Cut you banana into smaller pieces and put it in the freezer. Then wait (about 4 hours). Take your banana out and blend it with the protein powder – be patient! This might take a few minutes.




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